Borough of Manhattan Community College
Borough of Manhattan Community College is a vibrant, pluralistic learning community committed to the intellectual and personal growth of students. Working closely with organizations across New York City and beyond, we prepare students from around the globe for degree completion, successful transfer, career achievement, lifelong learning, and civic participation. BMCC is a college that is alive with ideas and innovation, and supportive of the innate human striving for self-improvement. We offer opportunity to those students who desire it and wish to strive for it. BMCC has been a leader in developing STEM and non-STEM corequisite pathways to achievement in mathematics.
Non-STEM Co-requisite Courses
BMCC has developed a Statistics with Algebra corequisite pathway with which non-STEM students who test into remedial algebra can complete their college quantitative requirement in one semester via an algebra-supported introductory statistics course. BMCC has also co-developed (with initial assistance from the Carnegie Foundation and Dana Center) a Quantitative Literacy and Reasoning corequisite course that allows for non-STEM students to complete their quantitative requirement in one semester via a course infusing quantitative literacy and reasoning.
STEM Co-requisite Courses
BMCC has also developed two accelerated STEM courses, one combining elementary algebra and intermediate algebra with trigonometry, and one combining intermediate algebra with trigonometry and precalculus.
Meet the Team

Karrin Wilks
Karrin E. Wilks is the Senior Vice President and Provost at the Borough of Manhattan Community College (BMCC), the largest institution in the City University of New York (CUNY),serving over 26,000 students. She has served in public higher education administration for over thirty years and has extensive experience developing and evaluating policy and programs aimed at improving student success, particularly for underserved populations. Areas of special interest and expertise include strategic planning, program design and implementation, college readiness and developmental education, evidence-based retention and success strategies, leadership development, and improving teaching and learning across disciplines.

Campus Director
Michael George
Michael George is a Professor of Mathematics and a Deputy Chair / Adjunct Coordinator at BMCC. He has co-developed, with Eugene Milman and Johannes Familton, Quantitative Reasoning and Literacy, a 6-hour co-requisite course for non-STEM students designed to support the development of students' abilities and skills in making sense of quantitative information in the real world.

Natural Sciences
Ozgur Ecevit
Ozgur Ecevit is an Associate Professor of Chemistry and Deputy Chair of the Natural Sciences department at BMCC.

Johannes Familton
Johannes Familton is an Assistant Professor of Mathematics at BMCC. Johannes Familton received his PhD from Columbia University. His dissertation is titled "Quaternions: A History of Complex Noncommutative Rotation Groups in Theoretical Physics." Familon's current areas of interest include Clifford Algebras, Geometric Algebra, and their applications to theoretical physics. Familton is the lead organizer of the AMS Special Sessions on Quaternions at the Joint Mathematics Meetings held each January in various cities. He is also involved in Supplemental Instruction at BMCC which partners SI (student) Leaders with professors and classes.

Yevgeniy Milman
Yevgeniy Milman is an Assistant Professor of Mathematics at BMCC.

Social Science
Ross Tippit
Ross Tippit is an Assistant Professor of Economics at BMCC.